We. Press. On.
What a joy it is to have nearly 140 names represented on the cards that we signed!
I’m excited to believe that our church is going to be coming together and doing what Philippians 3:13 says in the NLT…
“No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing ALL my energies on this ONE thing…
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race…”
I can’t say enough how much I believe that the best is yet to come for us as a church.
It’s why I wanted us to draw a line in the sand and say that on Sunday, July 14th we came together to focus our energies on this ONE thing - Let’s look forward to what lies ahead!
I have a few things I’m excited about that I’m looking forward to building with you and alongside you for us to be a church on mission, remembering one very critical thing: God doesn’t have a mission for his church, he has the church for his mission!
Here’s a sneak peek at some things I plan on sharing for our mission and vision as ACC.
1) Prayer Partners Team - Developing, training, and building a prayer team that will pray in service and pray at the altar with people at the end of services.
2) September - Back to Church Month
9/8 - Invite a friend to church Sunday!
9/15 - Baptism Sunday
9/22 - Child Dedication Sunday
3) Intergenerational Sunday - 9/29 - A message dedicated to what this means and where I’m asking all of our church members 55 and over to stay after for a lunch and celebration.
On this Sunday, I will also be sharing our Kids and Youth Ministry Rebrand that will emphasize everything about this vision of being intergenerational!
4) January 5th - Introducing our new church motto and defining a disciple - We are going to set the tone for 2025 by defining what we as a church should be producing as disciples. We need to know what a disciple looks like to make sure we are producing it.
There’s so much to look forward to church!
Let’s keep the main thing the main thing!