We at ACC are passionate about LOVING PEOPLE TO LIFE IN CHRIST!

Every Sunday at 11 AM, our service features a mix of traditional and contemporary worship from our talented musicians and singers.

Pastor Franco aims to encourage, exhort, and edify you with preaching that is real and relevant.

We are a church for ALL people, not just church people.

Welcome to ACC!

Knowing * Growing * Going

You belong here.

ACC is a church for you to belong, because we are fully intent on one thing: To help you know Jesus!
If it takes a while to get to that place, it’s ok. We are glad you are here and want you to know you belong.

If you stick around, here’s what we hope you discover about us…

We are fully committed to making disciples of Jesus who are:

  1. Active in Knowing

  2. Connected in Growing

  3. Commissioned in Going